A few words about

What We Do

Our projects

We are currently involved in numerous projects such as...

Geriatrics Project

The goal of the Geriatrics Project is to educate senior citizens on the effects of depression and loneliness on their functioning and well-being. Our interactive workshop has been designed for citizens living in long-term care homes or retirement residences within Ontario such as Chartwell Retirement Residences. This interactive workshop includes important discussions and activities through which participants can identify the social supports available to them while also learning about various coping strategies they can practice as needed.

Junior Project

The Junior Project aims to introduce the topic of mental health to children in elementary school through the Gearing the Little Minds workshop. We plan to teach young students about the important role and impact of mental health and will equip them with various tools and activities that they can engage in on a routine basis such as yoga, art, etc. The important purpose that this workshop serves is that at an early age, children are presented with accurate and non-stigmatizing information about mental health and well-being

Youth Project

The Youth Project is an extension of the Junior Project; not only do we aim to educate adolescents on the importance of mental health and well-being, but we further plan to incorporate topics that are more specific to youth, given their developmental age. For example, we plan to include topics about anxiety related to beginning university (especially for Grades 11 and 12 students) as well as the mental changes that come with physical changes during puberty.

Navigating the Mental Health System

Navigating the Mental Health System is a project developed in collaboration with Creative Flow. This “crash course” style seminar aims to educate university students on the various mental health resources that are available to them on- and off-campus. The plan is to equip students with the information they need in order to gain confidence in seeking mental health services. To date, we have presented our seminar at the University of Toronto Scarborough. We are now planning to make seminars specific to the Mississauga and Downtown campuses as well. Additionally, we plan to develop seminars for other universities in Ontario as well.

Click here to view our material presented at University of Toronto Scarborough in 2023.

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